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How can we help you?
Do you have a question? Browse our page below for an answer.
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Ask your question below.
What is the length of one production day?An average production day is 10 hours, but this depends on the production.
What is your billing address?Dok1Media N.V. Industriestraat 5C 2500 Lier Belgium email:
What is our VAT number?BE0695.652.128
Can I do an internship at DOK1 Media?Yes, depending on what the internship is. You can always send your application and we will answer your request shortly.
I am a writer. Can I send in my script/book/idea?Of course, you can always contact us via telephone (03 369 86 39) or e-mail (
What is your core business?We are a production company producing entertainment and fiction projects.
Do you have any experience?Yes. We have over 24 years of experience and we work with experienced teams.
Do you offer financial support?We will look together with you for the right financial support.
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